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Counsellor Column
Guidelines For Exams
An adequate level of anxiety is good as it motivates the individual to stay focused and to give his/her best. If anxiety is more, it impedes performance. Examination requires self-organization and time management. An effective preparation has to be preceded with positive attitude and belief in one’s ability and strength. An intake of nutritious food rich in vitamins, fibre, protein and carbohydrates is required. Vitamin B supplement is vital at this stage as it helps to improve memory and concentration level. Too many reference books can result in confusion and hence it is advisable to consult NCERT books and school notes. Making a study schedule will help in breaking down tasks into manageable parts and setting a study routine will prove helpful especially in terms of time management. It is not advisable to study a new topic at the eleventh hour. It is also important to accord some time for relaxation between study hours. Proper sleep and small gaps is a must. One should avoid studying late and a day before an exam.


One should take mock tests that are based on sample blue prints that are issued by CBSE and previous year’ question papers. It is also important to familiarize oneself with the structure of the paper. One should be positive and confident during the day of the actual examination.

On The Day Of The Exam

Check properly things to be carried for the exams like admit card, stationery etc.
Reach the examination centre at least an hour before the commencement of the paper specially on the first day.
Visit the washroom before entering the hall.
No written material, calculators, textbooks and mobile should be carried inside the hall.
Make good use of 15 minute reading time and read the question paper thoroughly and keep at least 15 minutes for the revision.
Attempt the paper in the chronological order.

"Pretty much all the honest truth-telling there is in the world is done by children.~ Oliver Wendell Holmes "